Thursday, October 13, 2011

OK,,, so not every day...

I realized that I said earlier that I was going to blog everyday. That's unrealistic at this point. Especially since the only blog I'm publishing at the moment is a knitting blog and I may not have any progress to report. I do try to knit every day, but I don't always do so.

So, on Friday we went to North Carolina on a mission that was successful but I'm not ready to talk about that. Sorry. :) I took my socks with me along with some hand spun yarn and the snowflake hat to show off. I love that my favorite MIL Fran makes a big fuss over my yarn and knitting. Thanks Fran, I love you! I did not, however, do any knitting on my socks. It just didn't fit in with what we were doing.  But I have been knitting this week so here is a picture of my Tree Frog socks and my stealth knitting in the bag.
Progress on the Tree Frog Socks
And the stealth knitting...
As you can see on the socks I've made significant progress. I'm at about 5.5" on the leg and plan to get to 7" before starting the heel. I'm really enjoying the pattern. Its easy enough to have memorized so I don't have to keep referring to the pattern but interesting enough to keep me engaged.

You will probably notice in the sock picture I have my laptop out, and iPad, and iPhone.... Yes, I'm at Starbucks downloading my software updates including the new iTunes and the new iOS 5. Wish me luck. As I am typing I have about 5 or 6 minutes left of the initial download. I've been here 2 hours...

Since I will need to restart I'll close this out and publish this post. I do have some exciting news to report and hope I can do so in the next post. Thanks for reading this.


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