Monday, November 7, 2011

One down!

Here is my completed left Tree Frog sock. I finished it last night to much admiration of my husband. He is so wonderful! The fit is perfect. I took good notes on number of rows for each section so I should be fine for the right sock. The difference in the socks is the way the pattern twists around the leg and foot. I'll probably cast on the 2nd sock tomorrow. I need to finish some beading work for my MIL.

From my iPhone...

Friday, November 4, 2011

Something new!

Since I'm having such problems with the MiFi I decided to look for a blogger app. So this is from my iPhone. I wanted to post an update in my Tree Frog socks. Still on the first one but I've turned the heel and working down the foot.

I've also been working on my Stacy shawl. I had to start over and il almost done with the first of three sections.

So if this looks screwy, please bear with me!